Navigator Update

Head over to the Windows Phone Store and download a free trial!

Application Icon Store

If you tried it before you might want to give it another shot. There are a lot of improvements and it is much more useable overall. Here is a screen shot of the new UI:

navigator screenshot

Here is a list of some of the new features:

  • 3 months free trial, $1.29 to purchase.
  • Current maneuver shows an icon rather than the full maneuver text.
  • Easier to read maneuver text at top of screen.
  • Preview the entire route with simple forward and back buttons.
  • An estimated time of arrival is displayed.
  • Quick reminders when approaching a maneuver on long routes.

Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug where it would randomly think you were off route.
  • Fixed a sensitivity bug where it would think you were off route on a wide road.
  • Fixed a bug where entering the route from somewhere beyond the first maneuver would not put you on route.
  • Various stability fixes.
  • Added a screen for sending me crash reports directly when unexpected errors occur.

Overall it’s a much more stable and useable version. If you give it a try and  have any feedback please let me know!

UnitDriven for Windows Phone 7

I have extended UnitDriven to provide support for (the current beta release of) Windows Phone 7. This means you can write a unit test that runs on .NET, Silverlight and Windows Phone. This is an Alpha release for now, hopefully if we get a few people to use it I can make a more stable release when the final version of the  WindowsPhone7 SDK is released.


Here is a screenshot of UnitDriven running tests on the WindowsPhone7 emulator.


One interesting thing is that all I had to do to support this was link files from the Silverlight version of UnitDriven into a new Phone project. It all compiled and ran on the first try.

However, even though it ran it wasn’t actually usable. I had to create new versions of the Views to accomodate the smaller screen size and default layout differences (buttons are relatively bigger for example). Also the scroll bars are only visible while scrolling and you have to click and drag on a Circle or the text to actually do the scrolling.

Please feel free to comment on the UnitDriven forums if you have any comments or questions!