Space Ship Operator

This is a pretty neat idea:

This gist of the post is that instead of overloading <, <=, ==, !=, >= and > operators you can just overload an <=> operator which will behave similar to what you would do to implement IComparable and the compiler will take care of the rest.

Of course this isn’t implemented in C# or VB currently but it is in Boo!

Frickin Sweet Summer Theme

From an IM of a friend originating from the twitter of Scott Guthrie I found myself at and crafting myself a custom Visual Studio theme. A few manual tweaks later and I have my new “Summer” theme, which I dubbed because of the yellow, green and orange highlights.

Summer Theme

The generator got me about 99% of the way there, I had to manually edit the tool windows colors, which should be included with this settings file as well.

Summer Theme Tool Windows

Download Summer.vssettings

(don’t forget to unzip the settings file!)

Charity Fragathon

The Twin Cities XNA User Group is hosting a very special event next month…

We’re hosting a huge Halo 3 Tournament at Microsoft to raise money for Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. We’ll also have Rock Band 2 and a few standalone machines for people to check out XNA Community Games.

Even if you aren’t a gamer, you probably know one. You might even have one in your family. This is an excellent cause worth donating to, and best of all: Magenic is matching funds raised by the event (up to the first $3000)!!

So… let’s take advantage of this opportunity.

For more information, and to register (or just donate), please visit

So please help spread the word. Tell your clients.  Tell your friends.