Godaddy and HttpModule Problems

I just had an issue rolling out an HttpModule to my godaddy site (this site). I have a custom URL rewriter that I use to convert urls for blogs and topics by title into a common handler. For example the path:
Will actually just be routed to the URL:
It’s prettier that way and then I only need one page to serve up all of the blogs BUT I had some major problems rolling it out. I had no idea why though, it worked great on my test site but then I rolled it out to Godaddy and it just didn’t work. So I did what any other developer would do and I search Google high and low for about an hour. After a while I finally found a tidbit related to the default file for a given site and how if it was, say, index.html than if you had url’s that didn’t specifically have an .aspx on the end then IIS wouldn’t even try to use ASP.NET but would instead just try to serve up the raw pages! This is what I was doing and once I added the .aspx to the above URL’s and my rewriter then suddenly it worked, the server would hook into my custom URL rewriting HttpModule and everything was dandy!

Simple Silverlight Image Gallery

    So, here is a simple example of how to do a data driven image gallery using silverlight. The overview is that an image will be stretched across a Rectangle to display our images. Our image gallery control will call back to a webservice hosted by our webserver to get URLs to subsequent images in the gallery. This is a pretty basic example and could easily be extended to have more interesting logic for getting images (flickr maybe or an image in a sharepoint image gallery for example) since we’re simply using the raw URL to the image to display it.
    To get all of this working you will need to be sure you have the futures stuff installed and you create an asp ajax futures project for your website. Then you create your silverlight project and create a “link” back to the silverlight project. For those of you not in the know this is a new thing Microsoft cooked up special for Silverlight. It’s similar to a reference but it pulls in the assemblies to the ClientBin rather than the Bin as well as pulling in the Page.xaml necessary to get it going with IIS. You’ll need to either use javascript or an tag to get it working.
    On the client side we have an HtmlTimer class to tell us when it is time to get a new picture. During initialization we will get a list of all of the images (you could just as easily query the service for only the next image) using the standard web service proxy class created by adding a webreference in our silverlight probject. On the Tick handler we will use the URL to the image to fill the rectangle.