New meta# nuget package published

I uploaded a new meta# NuGet package:

PS> Install-Package metasharp

It only has pattern matching api’s in this package now. To make patterns, just start with MetaSharp.Transformation.Pattern and all of the pattern factories are static methods from there. A simple example:

var p = Pattern.OneOrMore(Pattern.Range(‘a’, ‘z’));
var m = Pattern.Match(p, “metasharp”);
if (m.Matched) { … }


This package is .net 2.0 now too, so you can use it in more places (such as Unity3d). I’m planning on putting the actual grammars and build tasks etc into other packages so that the main package remains very portable. Also I changed it so that ‘p’ in the above scenario is a Pattern ast object instead of a Delegate. Which means that you could theoretically visit the pattern and transform it, itself. Also tracing produced objects will give you the pattern that produced it as well as the metadata.

The most major improvement of the API from before is the fact that you don’t have to implement INode on the objects you produce. Before everything had to be an INode and so you would have to do some awkward wrapping / unwrapping if your tree didn’t implement INode but now it just works with any plain old CRL object. Also it uses DynamicInvoke on productions so you can just bind them directly to any method with parameters of any type:

var p = Pattern.Production(
    Pattern.Variable(“x”, Pattern.Any()),
    (int x) => x + 1); // throws if the value consumed isn’t an int


I hope that makes sense. My first attempt made use of generics to attempt to flow static typing through the productions (which is definitely possible) but the insufficient type inference and support for monads in C# caused the complexity of the patterns to be unbearable. I found that if you use object and DynamicInvoke instead, you get similar results with reasonable complexity. The end result is that this api isn’t strictly monadic, since there is no Bind or Select/SelectMany. But it is monadic in spirit, all of the objects involved in the pattern matching operation are immutable and are safely parallelizable, except possibly your custom productions.

I’m pleased with the performance so far, the Or pattern executes each branch in parallel. I haven’t really stressed it that far yet but my 210 unit tests take about .45 seconds to run total so that seems pretty good. I want to create a Reflection.Emit visitor so I can get even better performance for rules but, unfortunately, that API isn’t available on all platforms (e.g. WinRT) so I’m not sure how best to do that.

The next big step is to create a new package with a C# grammar + roslyn transformer. Before it was a 1-off language. This time I plan to redo that work except as C# so that it is more appealing to users. I also want to change the grammar language to not be inheritance based, but compositional. This will require a little experimentation but I think it will make it a lot more appealing. The lack of extensibility in Roslyn is a real bummer because as far as I can tell there is no way for me to easily extend Roslyn to add pattern syntax to C# that way. The result is that I can leverage roslyn to generate assemblies from my AST but I still have to implement my own C# grammar if I want to extend it. A bummer but not harder than what I did before.

If you get a chance to try it out, I would appreciate feedback on the Pattern api though 🙂
